Ride and Social Saturday 4th September

For the ride & social on Saturday 4th – meet at St. Ann’s Well Gardens 8am for 8.30am rollout. Road route is Box Hill n Back. A shorter route can also be arranged for those that wish – make it known and we can put people in touch with each other who want to do that. https://ridewithgps.com/routes/24733374…

Also gravel route for those that like it rough: https://www.strava.com/routes/2859153963502778302

Pub will be confirmed very soon!

Group Rides

As today is ‘freedom day’ we are all now free to spread Covid amongst our number in whatever fashion we so choose. This means that we can organise our very own super spreader events every Saturday, and on the first and third Sunday of each month, in St. Ann’s Well Park Café. To this end, we can dispense with Love Admin bookings for the time being, a loss that I know many people will mourn.

Back in the ‘good old days’ it was quite simple. Everyone rocked up at the café from 8.00 onwards ready for an 8.30 roll out. Come 8.30 I would stand up and suggest we make a move and would be largely ignored. I’d shout first for anyone wanting to ride at a fast pace to move to the front ready to set off. One or two people would step forward and others, who were clearly going to end up riding fast anyway, would declare themselves “on an easy day today” before joining a slower group and then ripping everybody’s legs off. We’d then go down through the speeds splitting people, often reluctantly, into appropriately sized and paced groups and everyone would set off on BM# and have a wizard jolly time riding through the sunlit uplands. Hurrah!

Slightly different now in that we’ve started running short and long options which will add an extra layer of complexity to the split. But much easier in that everyone knows who rides at their pace and you’ll be able to buddy up with them more easily at the café than you could on LA. So from this Saturday forward procedure will be:

8.00 onwards: Arrive at St. Ann’s Well Café

8.30 get into groups riding your distance and pace

On a Sunday, the same procedure will apply but: meet time is 9.00 onwards for 9.30 departure and the sorting hat will allocate people to CATi and Sunday Social rides.

We will limit groups size to eight people max as this is the size recommended by British Cycling.

When I’m there on a Saturday I will try to herd the cats into appropriate clowders but, when I’m not, someone else with a loud voice will need to step up to that role. This is going to be the case this week and the following week as I’m away on staycation…assuming my ferry to the Isle of Wight doesn’t fall victim to the pingdemic.

It goes without saying that should you test positive for Covid, have any Covid symptoms or be told to self-isolate that you must not join a group ride.

Exciting times for us all and fingers crossed that we don’t need to revert to LA once again.

Hove Park Crits return for 2021

We return for 2021  for our familiar tight and exciting crit race series.

Entries are almost closed for this coming Friday 23rd July. Men’s 3/4 is full and there are only a handful of places remaining in the men’s 2/3’s. Youth U16 is looking a bit sparse so if you are , or know any U16 riders get your entry in before Wednesday at midnight to be guaranteed a race and a podium finish. , Women’s 2/3/4 currently has 8 entries so if you want to earn those all valuable BC points and havnt entered yet then get in fast so you can make the number up to 10 riders on the line and everyone gets points.

Race 2 23rd July

Watch the 2019 Race promo

Aerial view of Hove Park Crits – pretty cool!

Time trial date changes

Please note that due to a date change of the annual interclub 10 mile time trial, the planned 25 mile time trial for thie Tuesday (22/06) will not take place. We will instead be racing on the G10/97 course with the first rider off at 7. Sign on closes at 6.45 with the fee being £5.

Group Rides May ’21

Saturday Group Rides

  • Take place every Saturday
  • Rides are offered at 22, 24, 27 and 30kmh usually with a long and a short option
  • Sign up via Love Admin between Monday and Friday lunchtime the week before
  • No limit on numbers as these rides are self-led
  • Groups are contacted via email on Friday and then need to set their own meet place/time

Sunday Group Rides

  • Take place 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month
  • Rides offered to non-members are CATi and Steady Social
    • Limited to groups of six as these are led rides
  • Members only ride following the CATi course at 22kmh guide pace
    • No limit on numbers as this ride is self-led
  • Sign up via Love Admin up until the Friday before
  • Groups contacted via email on Friday with details of meet place/time

Thursday Pub Ride

Slightly more complicated…

In normal times, anyone wanting to ride on a Thursday evening would meet at Hill Top Café at 6.30.  Everyone would ride on the road and there would be one or two groups depending on speed and numbers.  A pub would be agreed where those wishing to do so, could convene at the end of the ride for a drink.  Simple.

More complicated now as most pubs require a booking which is limited to a group of six so it’s no longer possible to make a casual arrangement to meet in an undefined group size at a particular pub.  For this reason, many people are, understandably, making their own arrangements to meet in a group of six and ride before going to a pre-booked pub.  It’s also now common for people to go off road instead of on road.

The best I can suggest is that anyone wanting to ride on a Thursday, who isn’t already in a group of six, posts on Facebook of their intention to ride, where they want to meet and whether they are riding on or off road.  Hopefully there will then always be a reasonable number of people with whom members can ride but obviously I can’t guarantee that this will be the case.  As far as pub bookings go for this format…answers on a postcard maybe as I don’t have the answer.  I imagine that it will become easier to turn up on spec at a pub from May 17th, when indoor spaces are once again in use, so bookings will no longer be required.

Hope that helps.