Apologies to anyone who has emailed to reserve a slot on the training camp next year and hasn’t heard back just yet. Tony is currently away on holiday wild camping in the rain so doesn’t have great access to technology to deal with the emails. All will be sorted once he gets back to civilisation at the weekend.
BMCC 2022 training camp
Get in its going quick
Save the date Fri 26th Nov 2021
Mitre Big Bash is on
Details being worked on but some are here
Saturday Group Rides
Suspension of normal BM# group rides this weekend as we make way for a festrival of cycling fun.Activities start 8.00am onwards at St. Ann’s Well Cafe.There are two ride options on offer:
- Rachel’s Radical Road Ride: up to the Surrey Hills for the climb of Box Hill.
- Morris’s Monster Mud Mash: round the local gravel trails with a guarantee of zero punctures and nettle stings.
Groups of like minded (and paced) individuals can be sorted at the cafe ready for 8.30am roll out.
In the evening we have the first club get together since the (expertly compèred) 2019 end of season award ceremony. This takes the form of…
This is an event certain to ensure that future generations speak of 4th September 2021 in the same hallowed tones as 27th May 1990. Make sure you don’t miss this one.
Ride and Social Saturday 4th September
For the ride & social on Saturday 4th – meet at St. Ann’s Well Gardens 8am for 8.30am rollout. Road route is Box Hill n Back. A shorter route can also be arranged for those that wish – make it known and we can put people in touch with each other who want to do that. https://ridewithgps.com/routes/24733374…
Also gravel route for those that like it rough: https://www.strava.com/routes/2859153963502778302
Pub will be confirmed very soon!